Can You Pass The Chained Dog Test?
Most humans probably can’t. But many dogs in Rutherford County pass this test every day. All day and night, in fact. Granted, once someone has tied them up with a rope or chain, they have no choice in the matter. Let’s see how well we humans can do. It’s “easy.” Simply put a collar around your neck with a rope or chain tied to it, then take the other end of the rope or chain and tie it somewhere sturdy. So that you can’t get loose.

Now, see how long you can stand it.
For an extra fair test, make sure you keep yourself tied up in all sorts of weather, just like dogs do. Try this out in hundred degree temperatures with gnats and mosquitoes swarming around your face, or the dead of winter when the thermostat hits below freezing. See how long you can handle this in a torrential downpour with thunder and lightening booming over your head. How about a hail storm? Can you manage to dodge rock-like pieces of ice with only about five or six feet to do so?
Here’s one final variation of the test. Throw a party for your closest family members and friends. Make sure it’s a fun one! Now, stay outside alone and isolated, tied to your rope or chain, listening to the happy sounds of laughter and good times inside the house. The sounds of a party you’re not invited to.

Do you really need to take such a test? We don’t think so. A good many people understand that it’s wrong to treat an animal this way. Some North Carolina towns, including Spindale, have passed ordinances that forbid people to keep their dogs permanently chained. But it’s not yet a state or Rutherford County ordinance, and that needs to change. So we urge you to help. For the animals, please write to Rutherford County commissioners, our state legislators, and governor, and let them know this kind of mistreatment needs to be officially against the law.
In the meantime, you can help a chained dog in Rutherford County now. Visit for tips and real life success stories.
Written by Stephanie Janard, a Rutherford County Humane Society volunteer.