Delilah is located in Western North Carolina. Optional transport is available weekly. If your application is approved, we will contact you regarding cost and delivery if you wish to transport the pet to your location for a cost.
To adopt Delilah, please submit this adoption application.
RCHS Dog Adoption Application
Welcome to Rutherford County Humane Society’s dog adoption program. We request the following information so that we can assist you in the selection of a new dog. This form and a consultation with a Rutherford County Humane Society representative are designed to help you find the dog most compatible with your lifestyle.
This is a multi page form. Please complete each page before clicking “Next” to proceed to the next page. When you complete all five pages and the form is submitted, you will receive an email with a printable PDF of your completed form. We will get back to you ASAP.
If you need to stop and come back to the form later, click ‘Save and Continue’ A link will be provided for you to return and complete this form from any computer.