If you have lost or found a pet in Rutherford County, the best thing you can do is to get the word out in a hurry. If you have a picture of your pet, make flyers with large print of pet’s name, identifying marks or characteristics. Include the date and place your pet was last seen. Put them in places like the stores and Post Office near you. Post them at street corners. Call the local vets and describe your pet to them and then take posters for the veterinary offices. Check your flyers regularly to be sure they are still where you placed them and that they remain in good condition. Borrow a humane trap if your pet has been sited in a certain area. Check the trap frequently and keep fresh food in the trap.
Contact Animal Control to see if they have your pet or if any one there has reported a lost or found Pet.
Rutherford County Animal Control Services
578 Laurel Hill Drive
Rutherfordton, North Carolina 28139
(828) 287-6025
Also, you can post you pet on Facebook on Missing or Found FurBabies Rutherford County, NC
Lost and Found Pets, Hendersonville, Rutherfordton, Marion NC