Adoptable Cats
Boop is a female grey and white long hair kitten, DOB Oct. 7, 2024. Very affectionate and a little rowdy. She loves to play and even though she is small, has a big personality. The adoption fee is $200. AB
Helene is a female gray tabby, born on August 13, 2024. She is quiet but sweet, shy but affectionate, loves to play, loves to watch the birds, is well-behaved and uses her litter box like a champ. She gets along well with her sister if you are considering two! Helene had an ulcer in her eye; but it healed beautifully, leaving a small scar that should heal more overtime. Helene and her brother and sister were rescues after Hurricane Helene. The adoption fee is $150. VDS
Hurricane is a neutered male gray tabby, born on August 13, 2024. The three of them, (Helene, Stormy2, and Hurricane) came out of the woods with ulcers on their eyes. Hurricane’s was pretty much already gone and he had the eye removed. He looks like a serious boy but he cuddles like a sweetheart. Hurricane is quiet but sweet, shy but affectionate, loves to play, loves to watch the birds, is well-behaved and uses the litter box like a champ. Hurricane and his sisters were a rescue after Hurricane Helene. The adoption fee is $150. VDS
Marcie is a spayed female chocolate/brown kitten, born on September 10th, 2024. She is full of surprises and always wanting to play or just be loving. She does not feel comfortable around dogs, but she loves to play with other cats and loves her people. She is litter-box trained and looking for her PURRfect loving home!!!!!! HIJ
Pepper is a male orange-and-white tabby, born October 24, 2024. He is the sweetest little boy you could ever want. He loves to play but is also cuddly and loving. He is litterbox trained and hoping for his perfect home!!! The adoption fee is $150. CO
Poppy is a neutered black male kitten born on Aug. 27, 2024. He has a very independent personality but is affectionate toward people, purrs at the slightest touch, and loves playing with his sisters. The adoption fee is $150. HIJ
Simon is a male gray-and-white tabby kitten, born on September 23, 2024. He is well accustomed to being around other pets and people. The adoption fee is $150. TroyS
Starr is a male gray kitten, born October 24, 2024. He loves to play and play hard. He is sweet and loving. Starr loves to ride on your shoulder around the house. He is litterbox trained and hoping for his purrfect home!!! The adoption fee is $150. CO
Stormy2 is a female gray tabby, born on August 13, 2024. She is sweet and spicy, affectionate and playful, loves to watch the birds, and uses her litter box like a champ. She gets along well with her sister if you are considering two! The three of them, (Helene, Stormy2, and Hurricane) came out of the woods with ulcers on their eyes. Stormy2 had an ulcer in her eye and a cataract formed, so she has lost sight in that eye. Don’t tell her that – she’s raring to go! She may be the runt…
Tuna is a female long-haired black female kitten, born on October 7, 2024. Tiny with a loud purr, she is very affectionate and will be your little shadow. Will go a bit nutty if she smells her favorite treat- which is how she got her name. The adoption fee is $200. AmyB
Andy is a neutered male gray and black tabby kitten born 5-7-24. He is such a sweetheart and is a very playful and fun-loving little guy! The adoption fee is $100. LK
Betty is a spayed female tabby with white feet and a pink nose, DOB July 20, 2024. Betty is part of a group of 6 kittens “dumped” at a filling station and left to fend for themselves. However, they were rescued before they scattered and suffered any harm, and they are living in a foster home. Betty has a sweet personality. She is not as “forward” as some of her siblings. She prefers to be cuddled and loved by people and really hopes for a family of her own! The adoption fee is $100. HIJ
Bo is a neutered male gray kitten, born on April 26, 2024. He is the most scared, but he warms up after a little while. The adoption fee is $100. TA
Bonnie is a female tabby, DOB July 20, 2024. Bonnie is part of a group of 6 kittens “dumped” at a filling station and left to fend for themselves. However, they were rescued before they scattered and suffered any harm, and they are living in a foster home. Bonnie is a loving little girl who wants more than anything to be held and cuddled, followed by some good play time! The adoption fee is $100. HIJ
Clara Belle
Clara Belle is a spayed female long-haired tuxedo kitten, born on May 20, 2024. She is the pick of the litter and has a great personality. She is very affectionate and loves to play and cuddle. The adoption fee is $200. AmyB
Eloise is a female white-and-black kitten, born on May 3, 2024. She loves to be pet and cuddled. She is full of personality and just a wonderful little bundle of joy. She enjoys being with her people, dogs, cats and children. The adoption fee is $100. HIJ
Happy is a neutered male Tuxedo cat, born on March 22, 2024. He is very friendly and loves to help you no matter what you are doing. The adoption fee is $100. JW
Iris is a spayed female Calico born 5/27/24. She is very energetic and playful. She thinks she is the boss, and she is litterbox trained. The adoption fee is $100. CO
Jill is a female solid black kitten, born on May 7, 2024. She was found at 4 days old and bottled fed by their foster mom. She has nurtured and loved Jill and her brother Jack. They love being groomed, combed, brushed, and wiped down with warm cloth. They love tummy tickles. Jill is very affectionate and funny. She would be a joy to add to your family. The adoption fee is $100. DC
Joyous is an exuberant spayed female tortoiseshell kitten, DOB June 22, 2024. She is full of play and loves cavorting with her littermates. The adoption fee is $100. HIJ
Luke is a neutered male long-haired black kitten, born on April 26, 2024. He is very playful and adventurous. The adoption fee is $200. TA
OuiOui (WeeWee) is a spayed female dilute tortoiseshell kitten, bon on April 14, 2024. OuiOui is a little powerhouse of fun and loves to rip and run and play with her foster siblings. She is very energetic and often instigates play with everyone around her. While Oui is a silly playful girl, she is also loving and will start purring right away when you pet her, especially her chin. OuiOui is fully litterbox trained and loves both wet and dry food. If you’re looking for a silly and sweet little girl, please consider making OuiOui a part of your…
Paul is a neutered male tuxedo kitten, born on April 26, 2024. He is very nice and loves to be petted. The adoption fee is $100. TA
Possum is a white male kitten with a greyish brown spot on the top of his head, born on 6/14/24. He is very playful and energetic. He is full of personality. He is litterbox trained and looking for his furever home. The adoption fee is $100. CO
Rondy is a neutered male tabby, DOB July 20, 2024. Rondy is part of a group of 6 kittens “dumped” at a filling station and left to fend for themselves. However, they were rescued before they scattered and suffered any harm, and they are living in a foster home. Rondy always wants to have more love and attention than a foster home can give him. He is a very loving, playful, cheerful little boy with a big heart! The adoption fee is $100. HIJ
Rosco is a neutered male black kitten, born on April 26, 2024. He is very jumpy but warms up to you and loves to be petted. The adoption fee is $100. TA
Rum is a neutered handsome long-haired gray-and white cat, born on 5/18/24. He is a very playful boy and especially loves wand toys and crinkle balls. He enjoys human companionship and pets but is definitely not a lap kitty yet. Rum will need time & patience to continue his journey to accept human love. The adoption fee is $100. RS
Salem is a spayed female loveable, petite black cat who was born on 4/29/24. She enjoys playing with her sister, Smokey and other foster siblings with a wand toy and red laser light. Salem has a dominant personality and can be jealous of human attention directed at other foster cats. She will need continued patience to flourish if there are other cats in the household. The adoption fee is $100. RS
Sister Christine
Sister Christine is a spayed female torbie, born on July 10, 2024. She is quite small for her age and probably will always be petite, but she has a larger-than-life personality! She loves to play and finds adventure in anything new. She creates her own fun. She loves people and she is very good with other cats of all ages. She would probably be good with dogs too if she had a chance to meet them. The adoption fee is $100. HIJ
Smokey is a spayed gorgeous, petite gray female born on 4/29/24. She is very loving and enjoys playing with her sister, Salem and other foster siblings. Her favorite toy is a wand with feather attachment and playing hide and seek in the tunnel. Smokey also enjoys swinging on her hammock in the catio. The adoption fee is $100. RS
Windy is a female medium to dark gray kitten, born on July 13, 2024. She has a faint star like spot of white on her breast plate. She has a curious personality with a loving and fun nature. She has a twin brother, Stormy, with the same markings except he is a slight shade darker. Windy was named after the hurricane winds when I found her. The adoption fee is $100. PS
Wizard is a spayed, black female born April 5, 2024. She enjoys playing with her foster siblings and sunbathing is her favorite past time. She is still learning to trust human interactions, but does love being petted and recently realized that a lap is a perfect way to get some attention. Wizard will need patience to continue her journey in a loving home. The adoption fee is $100. RS
Zoom is a female black kitten, dob 4/5/24 Zoom is sweet and pretty girl who loves to cuddle and look deep in your eyes. She also loves to play and run and climb. She gets along with her fellow foster kittens and would do well with another kitty. She’s quiet and well-behaved, uses the litter and a scratching post. She loves watching the birds from the window and cattery. The adoption fee is $100. VS
Bob is a neutered male bobtail orange tabby, born in January 2023. He likes attention from his people and is very curious and playful. Needs to be in a single cat home because he is picky about the cats he will tolerate, but likes dogs. The adoption fee is $25. AmyB
Dude is a neutered male white-and black tabby, born on November 11, 2023. He is as laid back as his name. The adoption fee is $25. VS
Elmo is a spayed female gray tabby-and white-cat born November 15, 2023. She has been inside since she was 8 weeks old, but it has taken her a while to trust people. Now she really enjoys being petted and sleeping on the bed with someone. She desires human companionship and follows her foster from room to room. She is not quite the perfect lap kitty yet but with a little patience and love, that could happen soon. The adoption fee is $25. LK
Farrin is a spayed female black cat, born on 9/15/21.Farrin was rescued from the streets as a kitten. Still needs someone with patience, love, and plenty of treats to bring this lovely lady the rest of the way out of her shell. Loves to play, lounge, and eat. Always first to the dinner plate, pawing asking for extras. She’s a sweet girl with a shy side. Loves dogs, other cats, and her toys. If you have this kind of patience, she is the perfect kitty to add. Waiting on that special person/ people to give her the love she deserves…
Hayley is a spayed female torbie, born in August 2021. She is a sweet baby and weighs 11 1/2 pounds. Hayley is just waiting for the day when she can have a home and family of her own! The adoption fee is $25. MN
Lord Montague
Lord Montague is a neutered male black-and-white cat, born on July 12, 2023. He is a lover. He loves being petted and gives loving head butts. He rubs up against his crate and people. Everything; food, water, shelter, attention makes him grateful. And he pays in purrs. What a wonderful boy. He does great in the car and is litter box trained. He will make a wonderful companion. The adoption fee is $25. CB
Opie is a male black and white kitten born May 5, 2023. Opie is a sweet and loving guy that gets along well with other cats and enjoys getting lots of attention. He is extremely sweet and is very social. The adoption fee is $25. LK
Très is a spayed female black cat, born on 4/14/23. Très is a sweet semi-feral girl with a nub for a tail. She was rescued and in need of medical care for her tail, which ended up being amputated. She’s coming around with treats and little nibbles of snacks. She needs someone who will be patient and kind to her until she finishes coming out of her shell. Will you be the person that gives this sweet girl a second chance? Please apply and see how sweet that cute little nub wiggles. She loves little nub scratches when you get…
Willie is a neutered male gray-and-white cat, born 4/11/23. He is a very sweet boy. Gets along well with dogs and other cats. He is litterbox trained and ready for his match made in heaven!!!!!! The adoption price is $25. CO
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Charcoal is a neutered black male cat, born in January 2022. He has recently had his right hind leg amputated. Charcoal was an outside stray cat who was fed by an elderly lady. He is loving and loyal. But when the lady died, Charcoal was left without a home and then he was shot in the leg. His leg could not be repaired. Charcoal is a special needs cat. He can get along well on his three legs and will do even better once he gets the hang of it. He can jump and climb. He would do best as…
We are no longer accepting applications for the following pets because they have been adopted or their adoption is pending:
L = Local Adoption
* = Adoption Pending
L – Prince is a neutered male gray-and-white tabby, born on May 1, 2024. He is named after “The Artist Formally Known As” because his eyeliner is on point, he’s definitely got that look, and he even has his iconic fluffy white scarf. Prince loves to play! He parties like it’s 1999 and zooms around like a little red corvette. He’s well behaved, loves his scratching post and is fully housetrained. High energy and affectionate, he would do well as an only cat or with one play buddy. This boy is definitely a star worth more than diamonds and pearls!…
L – Stormy is a male dark gray kitten, born on July13, 2024. He is a twin to Windy. He has a faint star-like white spot on his breast plate. He is the alpha male of the litter. He’s the leader of mischievous deeds. He loves to nuzzle close but can be stand offish at times. He is a thinker. Anyone could love this kitty. The adoption fee is $100. PS
Our adoptable cats have been tested for feline leukemia and FIV and given vet care. All cats are spay/neutered except kittens under 4 months of age. See special instructions for kittens under 4 months on adoption application.
To adopt a cat,
you need to first fill out an application.
Kitten/Cat Prices
- $150 for a kitten two to six months old
- $225 for two kittens two to six months old.
- $100 for kittens from six months old to one year old.
- $150 for two kittens from six months old to one year old.
- Kittens Siamese and Long-haired 2-12 months old will be $200 with no discount for taking two.
- $25 for adult cats.
- Adult Siamese and Long-haired cats are $100.
- Prices vary as to the breed of cat.